Audition Help: Audio for John Fedchock: A Drop in the Bucket

Get READY! - Auditions for the Generations in Jazz Honor Jazz Band are this Saturday! - Here's a last quick gift to help you get ready for the audition.

I've recorded the major sections of John Fedchock's A Drop In The Bucket to help you with your audition preparation.

Last minute tips: USE LOTS of air, drink plenty of water, hear TWO bars of tempo in your head BEFORE you start, and go for it! TIME, SOUND, and STYLE are the most important thing. If you have a glitch- it's ok, it means you are HUMAN.

If you make a mistake, go back and try again. NO! The best thing you can do is JUST KEEP GOING if you have trouble, DO NOT GO BACK-- keep strict time! :)

Good luck! Breathe Deep! Go have FUN & drop me a note (or COMMENT BELOW) and let me know how it went!

m.1 Drop in the Bucket
m.21 Drop in the Bucket
m.61 Drop in the Bucket
m.69 Drop in the Bucket

Generations in Jazz Audition Help

If you’re a student in Contra Costa County and are working on the audition for the Generations in Jazz High School Honor Jazz Band I’ve put together a slower background track to help you with the piece, and done a quick recording of it at tempo to help you with style.

Later today, I’ll be posting information to help with alternate positions and some tips regarding preparation.

Slow Version: Quarter = 95
Tempo Version with DrJ