MWM 002 - Alex Iles

Relaunch! - We're back!

Episode 2: Alex Iles


After months of technical challenges, a new file host, new domain host, and a new blogging platform, we proudly (re)present our first episode, a great interview with all-star trombonist, Mr. Alex Iles of Los Angeles, CA.  Please excuse the Skype challenges, but think you'll really enjoy the interview.  If you're ever in Los Angeles, do seek him out for a lesson- he's one of the best.

You may download it directly, and it will shortly be back in the RSS feed and available via iTunes.


P.S. The iTunes Link will be back up early next week! #Sorry

P.P.S. Want to really lose some time down a rathole of awesome?

P.P.S.S. While you're at it, check out this great interview with Jerry Hey, the great trumpet player and arranger Alex references at 36:00.

Meeting with Masters Reboot!

Hi there.

No. I wasn't abducted by aliens--just an extended period of transition.  Sorry for the delay.

Looking forward to the relaunch of the podcast- have a new host for the files (faster and more reliable) and a new host for the blog (faster, more elegant, and more reliable) - now we just need to get the new RSS feeds up, configured, re-routed, setup in iTunes, and we're ready to rock!

There's a great episode in the cooker, edited, and just needs an intro with a dear friend and mentor, Mr. John Swallow.  Look for it coming soon---thank you for your support and for your patience!


     Dr. J
